You ask some good questions, Reuben. There are writers here that I can’t stand. I’m sure there are writers who can’t stand me. You know how I make that call? I remove ME from the equation and put in the person I love most in this entire world. My kid.
So let’s say my kid wrote here. And someone posted saying they hate my kid. How would I feel about people saying “yeah, me too.” Would I feel more kindly to them because they didn’t throw the first stone? No.
Would I want any of that to happen to my kid? F — k no. So I won’t do it to anyone else. No one. I have lots of opinions. We all do. We also get to choose which to post publicly.
Incidentally, your last sentence nailed it. Some people DO need to figure out when to walk away and cool off. Other people don’t need to cool off, because they weren’t mad in the first place. They’re just mean spirited. We all know people like that. What to do about it is a choice, too. :)