The Wrong Way To Help New Or Struggling Writers (Rant Alert)

I already shoved one foot in my mouth. Here’s the other.

Linda Caroll
4 min readNov 4, 2021
photo from Piqsels

Yesterday I shoved my foot in my mouth. After sleeping on it, I decided the best course of action would be to shove the other foot in there, too.

The glory of algorithms is that sometimes they put new writers in our faces. And by new, in this case, I mean writers we’ve never come across before.

Because, thousands of writers.
We haven’t met them all.
Imagine that.

No names, no links. I hate when people do that. I truly do. I mean, if you’re trying to look like a “professional” on a writing platform, I can’t think of a faster way to look unprofessional than to point fingers and name names.

Hello grade five.

Sorry. Anyway...

I ran across an article with a couple of “tips” for new writers. It explained a very clever method to “get the attention” of “popular” writers.

After reading the post, I sighed.

Wondered if I should say anything, or just leave.

I opted to open my big fat mouth. Of course.
Damn the torpedoes, right?



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