Spot on! Most self growth and self improvement advice operates under the premise that we are broken, not good enough, and our own biggest problem. It pushes all our insecurity buttons.
We start getting trained to that mindset in school. If we are good at history and bad at math, guess which one teacher says we need to work on. Math. Because we’re bad at it. Enough years of that theory and we focus on our weaknesses instead of our strengths.
So it makes perfect sense when self growth gurus grab that baton and run with it. But the truth is, we’d do ourselves a favor to look for our natural strengths and focus on growing those. Never mind what we’re bad at. Let someone else be good at it.
Growth never comes from seeing ourselves as broken or not good enough. That’s not the state of mind that leads to growth. Better we should be the little engine that could and say I think I can, I think I can. That’s where growth comes from. That, and baby steps. New habits are formed in baby steps.
Another good one, Ryan. :)