Member-only story

If Covid Caused Lesions Like Leprosy, We Wouldn’t Have Anti-Maskers

People can be really dumb about things they can’t see.

Linda Caroll
5 min readSep 19, 2021

A woman in California had a baby by Caesarean. A beautiful little girl she never got to see. She didn’t even know she was having a caesarean. She was unconscious and intubated, tube down her throat breathing for her like Darth Vader. Three days later, she died.

She never got to see her baby girl.
Never got to hold or kiss her.
Never got to name her.

Last thing she said was “make sure my kids get vaccinated.”

Her husband at least got to see the baby. He was down the hall. Another room, another bed. By the time his wife died, he was unconscious. They couldn’t even tell him his wife died. Maybe that’s a blessing.

He died a week after the baby was born, and the baby was left with no parents, and no name. They had 4 kids at home.

Now Grandma is raising five kids including a newborn while she grieves for her son and the daughter-in-law she loved.

The older two understand that their parents are gone, she said, but the toddlers keep crying for Mommy. Asking when Mommy is coming back. Standing at the window, watching for Mommy.



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